Friday, May 15, 2009


Raffi organised a private car to take me from Damascus to Anjar Lebanon after I had dinner with him and his family. I arrived at 8.30pm and was met by Haig Izmirian, brother of Sarkis.
From Lebanon

He is a great host. I had no option but to stay in his very big house and guess what? We are going to have a BBQ for dinner as I must be hungry. So I had Dinner twice in two different countries 2 1/2 hours apart.
From Lebanon

Garo and his family Lara and Lorena arrived from Jordan.
From Lebanon

I have Deputised Haig to assist me in the investigation of his father, Hapets whereabouts from 1909 to 1919. With his right hand raised we finished our 3rd glass of whiskey and refilled our 4th. He was now officially an investigator. By the time I got to bed I was “fatigued”.

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