Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Musa Dagh Historian

Haig and I went to speak with Yessayi Havatian a local Historian and Lecturer who specialises in Musa Dagh. I had a very good conversation with him and was able to discuss the Fight on Musa Dagh and why the Turkish failed along with the whereabouts of Hapet. Circumstantial Evidence suggests that he was on the mountain in 1915 but the fact nobody mentions him in any documents is just too big a hole in the story to ignore. Yessayi showed me a document written in 1910 by a Journalist sent to Musa Dagh to document how many Musa Dagh people were killed in the 1909 massacre. Garobed Izmirian and a son aged 20 were mentioned as killed between Bizgu and Adana. There was no record of Garobed’s wife or other child. There was no mention of the child’s name. Unfortunately Garobed did not have a son aged 20 at that time. It just goes to show the information was not 100% correct. At this time women and children were less important than the father of the house added to we don’t know who gave the information to the journalist. People in Musa Dagh were not educated at this time.

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